Monday, April 07, 2014

Anna Kigsford, the second medicine woman in UK and vegetarian pro-antivivisectism

Better known as the Mother of Vegetarianism, tireless in the dissemination of vegetarianism. She went to Paris to do her medical studies – because in England women still were not accepted in the medical schools. She studied Medicine in order to prove that the vegetarian diet was the best for man. She discharged herself of the task with honor, and defended her thesis, in 1880, De l’Alimentation Végétale chez l’Homme (The Vegetable Nutrition of Man). This thesis was later published in English as The Perfect Way in Diet. It is a pioneer presentation of almost all the reasons that are still today used in the defense of vegetarianism, as a diet that brings benefits to the health, to the animals, and to the Planet, and also as the most advantageous to those who aim to tread the path of virtue, or the spiritual path. It is a treatise advocating a return to the natural and ancient food of our race, covering subjects as Anatomy and Physiology; Natural Habits; Chemistry; the Stimulating Effects of Flesh Food; Alcoholism; Social Considerations, etc. “I consider the vegetarian movement to be the most important movement of our age. I believe this because I see in it the be­ginning of true civilization. My opinion is that up to the present moment we do not know what civilization means. When we look at the dead bodies of animals, whether entire or cut up, which with sauces and condiments are served at our table, we do not reflect on the horrible deed that has preceded these dishes; and yet it is something terrible to know that every meal to which we sit down has cost a life. I hold that we owe it to civilization to elevate the whole of that deeply demoralized and barbarized class of people – butchers, cattle-drovers, and all others who are connected with the deplorable business. Thousands of persons are degraded by the slaughter-house in their neighbourhood, which condemns whole classes to a debasing and inhuman occupation. I await the time when the consummation of the vegetarian movement shall have created perfect men, for I see in this movement the foundations of perfection. When I perceive the possibilities of vegetarianism and the heights to which it can raise us, I feel convinced that it will prove the redeemer of the world.” [Anna Kingsford - quoted by Samuel H. Hart, in "In Memoriam Anna Kingsford" Wow! Wow! Aplausos! I did not know anything about the life or work of this extraordinary woman and I´m amazed. I´m even planning to get a tattoo of the drawing I included in this post, it is a beautiful approach to her cosmovision of God´s mythology. Anna Kingsford was a visionary back in 1872, she was brave enough to publish a feminine paper called "The Ladys Own paper" in which she dares to positively analyse the term "lady" as an equivalency of the chivalry expected from classy gentleman. Pardon my ignorance, but never thought someone like her existed in history and I remove my hat and wish to follow her steps through my work in communication and writting. bo