Thursday, July 27, 2006

Beautiful agony

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Right now

Right now I can´t forget how happy I was when I was 15, how I beleived in the peole, in the world, how I expected something great about my life, how I dreamed with happy songs, how I waited for the perfect man in my life... you miss a beat you loose the rythm...

I missed a beat in my life, I don´t understand why I quit my dreams, how I dare put money before my talent, how fear of failing transformed my spirit in this "part of the mass" person, how I became that not-special, how I grew into this, why did I grow up...why can´t I stop time...why can´t I keep on dreammig no matter what, whay can´t I still think I might become a famous matter I won´t.

Right now I can´t feel anything but gratitude, for every single moment of my stupid little life. Right now I hope I´ve spent more time with my parents, ringht now I wish I´ve punched him in the face and ripped her hair off for making feel so much pain, right now I feel I´ve been running so much in my lifre that I´m carrying the stress of 29 years of life, right now I must relax...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A donde

A donde, a donde...a donde...a donde...a donde vamos, pero mas importante a donde voy, todos los dias me levanto y camino y recorro entre mi mente u torbellino de necesidades plasticas, de trabajos internos, de emociones truncadas con el estomago. Todos los dias busco algo, resuelvo, despierto y adormezco otras sensaciones. Todos los dias pienso que pasara mañana, todos los dias digo que no quiero estar aqui sin embargo aqui estoy, sueño con australia, con la playa, con Africa, con un monasterio budista, con la India, con Nepal, sueño con tantos lugares, la recaida es a veces tan fuerte que hasta sueño con el "sueño americano". Y aqui entre el smog y los camiones ecologistas que contaminan mas que los no-ecologistas, con pejelagartos que quieren llegar a presidentes y con ganadores de la presidencia que tal vez realizaron un fraude...a donde vamos a parar?
Que vengan los marcianos y me lleven mejor. Pero contigo, porque ya no puedo vivir separada de ti.